Wednesday, November 30, 2011

That experiment was FAIL! Sort of....

Back in August I started getting rid of 105 things every day and was blogging my progress. I managed to make it 80 days (well almost, I missed a few days) before I gave up entirely. It was not a loss though, that's nearly 1200 items gone out of my house!

Going through this activity was a real eye-opener. I knew we had a lot of stuff, but WOW we have a lot of stuff! I have also learned where my areas of weakenss are with respect to getting rid of stuff.

1. Sentimental: This is the hardest stuff to get rid of. Even if it is something that is broken, or no-longer used it is hard to get rid of because of the memories.

2. It is worth something: I hate getting rid of something that was costly. I've sold a few items, but that is a lot of work. I just have to keep in mind that when I give items away I am blessing the people/charities that are receiving the items. (PS. If I offer you something, only take it if you need it, want it or love it, otherwise it is not a blessing)

3. I don't know what to do with it: I have odd slippers, parts of games, etc. which are particularly frustrating. I have been trying for years to mate these items without success. Generally I can't remember where I put them or the kids have gotten into them before they can be reunited. I need to be ruthless in getting rid of this stuff.

4. I start, but don't follow through: Particularly when we work on the basement, we end up gathering items to give away or throw away and then they sit there. So next time we do a purge we end up finding stuff that should already have been dealt with.